The Way gave birth to the One,
The One gave birth to the Two:
The Two gave birth to the Three;
And the Three gave birth to the ten thousand things.
The ten thousand things carry Yin on their backs and wrap their
arms around Yang.
Through the blending of ch’i they arrive at a state of harmony.
Comment: The undifferentiated consciousness (Way) births the current of life (One). Amongst many names the one is also known as neutral. The neural current of life expresses outward and gives birth to the positive. The neutral and positive combine to give birth to the negative. The neutral is still. The positive is outgoing, expansive. The negative is incoming, contractive. This triune energy is the center of the etheric body. The etheric body is comprised of flowing patterns of prana or ch’i. The interplay of these three forces manifests the forms of myriad life. Yin is what we receive and generate within. Yang is what we put out into the flow of life. Health is determined by the flow of Yin and Yang in and out of Neutral. When the flow is uninterrupted we experience more stillness in Neutral, which is harmony, which is health.